Increase Web Site Rankings

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Increase Website Rankings Through Math

Are We Internet Nerds and/or Mad Geniuses Doing Web Site Development?

Actually we are about as far from that as one can imagine. We're beer drinking, football watching, regular folks, using the writing skills of communications guru, JACK ELLERY. Our goal is to increase your search engine position or search engine ranking. We use a different approach than other sites that increase website rankings. We are writers and merchandising experts who have technical knowledge. There is no sense in increasing your website position if the message doesn't sell. Lots of people can increase your website position. So, unlike most others, we have two goals. One is to increase your web site position. The second is to insure that your visitors see a message that sells.

Everyone knows that you increase web site rankings by use of keywords and algorithmic logic. However, most of the techies who claim to improve your website ranking, have zero knowledge of public relations, marketing or selling.

We believe, make that we KNOW, a website can sell product, yet increase search engine position using a well-written script. The proper use of keywords is the main ingredient for better web site development and better web site rankings. Some people actually pay per click, not being able to obtain better search engine position. We know a better way.
Our writer, Jack Ellery is a talk host in New Jersey, with a strong background in public relations. He served as PR Director for the New Jersey Highway Authority, then ran his own PR firm. The man knows how to write! Combine that with our knowledge of how to increase your website ranking and you have a winning combo.

Those who do web site development know a few basic things. First, it is important that those who desire to increase their web rankings understand those flashing messages and pretty graphics don't do a thing to improve web site position. On the other hand, web site developers realize good web site development demands that visitors to your site remain at the site once they have found you.

Once you get people to your page, naturally you have to keep their attention, keep them from going to the competition. . That's where great web design is important.

What you just viewed may seem innocuous, but it is necessary to keep their attention once folks come to your website. It does nothing to improve your web site ranking. You have to do both.

The average small and medium sized businesses need better web site rankings more than they need a site with gorgeous graphics, slide shows, script that changes color, and all the other things that can be done. Good web developers understand that the first thing is to bring people to the site. However, if the message doesn't sell, it is a wasted efoort.

Better web site development can be achieved at costs that are reasonable. Matter of fact, they are more than just reasonable, they are downright inexpensive. To find out more click here. You can increase your website position!